Together, we have the power to change the atmosphere and achieve some beneficial things along the way, such as sustainably producing most domestic fuel, making US farm soil the envy of the world, and load-leveling the electric grid,(see Forward-Looking Statements).
Our business begins with installing small, modular biorefineries to produce pure, clean fuels in each county. We view our farm partners as critical national assets that can produce both our nation’s food and most of its fuel. We offer a strategic, tactical, and effective plan and path to harnessing carbon’s ecology for sustainable balances.
We will reconnect existing technology, infrastructure, and markets to make change easy and cost effective. We will reconnect people and communities because we will prosper through partnership.
We help farmers:
- Convert crop and forest residues into ‘drop in’ fuels
- Enhance the farm’s profitability and productivity
- Build up the soil quality with nutrient-rich biochar
- Convert agricultural wastes into income
- Empower their community with advanced, but easy to use technology
- Retain wealth within their community by avoiding the export of $ for fuel and ammonia-based fertilizer
We help investors:
- Build wealth for a clean, sustainable future
- Advance US manufacturing and a clean energy workforce
We help the country:
- Maximize the returns on taxpayer investments
- Reduce dependence upon fossil fuels
- Control the climate through our farm’s carbon cycles
- Vitalize our nation’s rural & agricultural communities
WeNeW is building our foundation on trust, performance, & communication.
Please contact us if you see an opportunity for collaboration or partnership.
Key Personnel:
Matthew Merrill, PhD, Founder, & CEO. Matt is a creative, driving force that is not stopping for anything less than a revolution for a clean energy economy and controlled climate. Matt has established innovative business model development, deep technical competence, and effective team building through 20 technology development projects funded by ARPA-E, NETL, EERE, NE, FE, USDA, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Navy, Air Force, and MDA. Matt founded WeNeW Carbology upon the realization that the greatest impact by an energy transition can be achieved with just a new approach to implementing proven, commercially available technology. “We have actually been well-prepared for a time such as this. Let’s capitalize on this opportunity through win-win-win partnerships.”
Mike Crisman, Cofounder, VP of Operations. Mike brings over 25 years of technical and executive experience in engineering, manufacturing, and operations at world-class companies like Ford, Daikin, Mobil, and CSW industrials. He also brings prior experience in the challenging field of disruptive energy startups. Mike is passionate about driving a clean energy future through a combination of innovation and pragmatic applied engineering.
Greg Simms, PhD, Cofounder, Director of R&D. Greg brings specific scientific and mathematical expertise regarding fuel chemical engineering and techno-economic analysis. During 5 years of previous employment by Dr. Merrill’, Greg gained experience managing emerging technology R&D and product development. Greg is a skilled grant proposal writer and principal investigator.