Crop residues are often left in the field to recycle nutrients to the soil and protect against erosion over the winter. There’s a lot of valuable energy and carbon in those crop residues! WeNeW sustainably harvests crop residues to make a synthetic diesel by recycling nutrients and applying soil-smart agricultural practice that advance soil quality. This includes cycling the nutrients back to the soil and sequestering carbon using the biochar co-product of fuel production. Carbon will be invested in the soil, where it belongs.
We’re in the business of long-term investments in soil quality and respecting farms like they’re critical national assets.
Almost any dry biomass, such as crop residues, can be gasified for conversion into drop-in replacement fuels with zero net emissions. WeNeW can use proven, commercially available technology for options to produce diesel, gasoline, hydrogen gas (H2), aviation fuel, and methanol. Ammonia may soon also be an option. Electrical power is converted to hydrogen gas and added to increase fuel yields.